João Resende


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João S. Resende

Joao Resende Pic

Departamento de Ciência de Computadores (FC6 - DCC)
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto (FCUP)
Rua Campo Alegre 1055
4169-007 Porto

Contact: jresende (at) fc_up_pt

Short Bio

In 2023, João Resende returned to the University of Porto as an Assistant Professor to the Department of Computer Science (DCC) from the Faculty of Science (FCUP). Teaching at Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering (FEUP) Previously, he held the position of Assistant Professor at the NOVA School of Science and Technology in Lisbon (FCT/UNL). In 2021 he successfully earned his PhD in Computer Science, focusing on “Security Enhancing Technologies for Cloud-of-Clouds.” This research was conducted through a collaborative effort involving three universities: Minho, Aveiro, and Porto.

João Resende served as a cybersecurity researcher at the Center of Competence in Cyber Security and Privacy (C3P). In this capacity, he played a key role in managing projects such as CyberSec4Europe. Notably, CyberSec4Europe was one of the four pilots dedicated to establishing a Network of Cybersecurity Competence, with a specific focus on creating a new European Cybersecurity Competence Centre.

João Resende brings with him a wealth of experience and knowledge in the fields of computer science and cybersecurity, contributing significantly to both academia and cutting-edge cybersecurity initiatives. Currently supervising 3 PhD students with peers from different Universities, João Gama (FEP), Henrique Domingos (NOVA) and Osman Yağan (CMU).


Publications Selected

For a full list of papers check my Google Scholar.

International Patent

PhD Students

Prospective PhD Students

If you are interested in doing a PhD with me, drop me an email explaining your topics of interest and why you are interested in doing a PhD. Formally, you will have to apply to the CS PhD program in my department, but I am more than happy to guide you through the process. I also have various research collaborations with universities in Portugal and with Carnegie Mellon University, with which co-supervisions are often possible. If this is something you’d be interested in, I strongly urge you to contact me ASAP, since the timings and requirements to apply for these PhD programs can be very different from those at University of Porto.